Spice up your Turkey


A Thanksgiving menu generally consists of the traditional turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and corn. Although this is a fi ne menu to serve to your guests, you may want to add a few additional Latin inspired items or change up your recipes like adding mango salsa to your cranberry sauce to spice up your menu.

Turkey is great for all year end celebrations. I like to place my turkey in the pan breast side don for the fi rst 3/4 of the cooking time so that the natural juices drip down into the breast ,and then fl ip it over for the last 1/4 time turning up the heat by around 50 degrees. When cooking, I love natural, lots of flavor and easy solutions, so I prepare my turkeys with my Chef LaLa Homemade Orange Chipotle Marinade. The citrus in orange acts as a natural tenderizer and the natural sugars in the orange caramelize the skin adding a beautiful color and crispy texture without having to add a lot of extra fat.

Also, The smokiness from the chipotle pepper compliments the bold fl avor of turkey. The drippings from the turkey are amazing when you add a bit of cornstarch, your family and guest will be delighted with a spicy twist on gravy.