Chef LaLa on Dr. Oz

Mexican food is hot, spicy and full of flavor — but it can also be filled with fat. Chef LaLa has come up with a series of Mexican makeovers that focus on spices and vegetables to bulk up the meal without adding extra fat. The next time you’re in the mood for some Mexican, try these recipes for a healthy meal:

  • Cheesy Chicken Taquitos
  • Jicama Guacamole
  • Spicey Mango Margarita

Latino-Style Kung Pao Chicken

I found that Asian and Latin Cuisines Have Latin Cuisine have so many ingredients in common so it was only natural that I used Chef LaLa Homemade Fajitas Marinade to create a quick and easy Kung Pao style dish.

Made with my Chef LaLa Homemade Fajitas Marinade.