Berry Delicious

Berry Delicious

Fresh, colorful berries at your local supermarket or farmer’s market are a sure sign that summer is here.  Some sweet, others tart, berries are a delicious and nutritious treat and can be eaten whole, served fresh, frozen or in baked goods. Berries are available all year from a variety of sources, though most are considered summer fruits.

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Steamy Vegetables

Steamy Vegetables

Whether served raw or cooked, vegetables are excellent sources of vital nutrients for our bodies to function properly. Each vegetable provides something different so, as with any food, its a good idea to have variety to gain the maximum nutritional benefits as well as experience the many flavors and textures out there.

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Turn On a Greener Light to Save Money

Turn On a Greener Light to Save Money

Switch your light bulbs to compact fluorescents (CFL) and you will see clearly that you are saving money and helping the environment. Experts agree that if every American home replaced just one traditional light bulb with a CFL, the country would save more than $600 million dollars a year on energy costs.

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Ideal Storage for Fruits and Vegetables

Ideal Storage for Fruits and Vegetables

Ever wonder why some of your fruits and vegetables don’t seem fresh or taste right so quickly after you purchase them in perfect condition? Though fruits like berries don’t have a long shelf life many last longer just by having proper storage.

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15 Basic Kitchen Tools

15 Basic Kitchen Tools

Any way you slice it, dice it or shred it, eat well to live well! Having the right tools to help you prepare meals and snacks will make cooking fun, easy, nutritious and delicious. You only need a few basic food preparation items to get started on your path to eating well, feeling great and even saving money by preparing food at home. As you become more comfortable cooking, you can add other items, depending on your needs but here are the 15 basics…

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Summer Vegetables

Summer Vegetables

Summer is almost here and summer vegetables are beginning to arrive in your local supermarkets, specialty markets and farmer’s markets. Experts recommend consuming 5 servings* a day of fruits and vegetables to help reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer. Summer veggies are not only nutritious and delicious, they’ll help you look and feel your best by providing vitamin C, potassium, lutein, folate, iron, fiber, and essential hydration. Try one or more of these summer veggies today:

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Summer Fruits

Summer Fruits
Summer is just around the corner and summer fruits are beginning to arrive in your local supermarkets, specialty markets and farmer’s markets. Experts recommend consuming 5 servings* a day of fruits and vegetables to help reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer.
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Bone Up on Calcium

Bone Up on Calcium
Did you know that May is National Osteoporosis Prevention and Awareness Month? Why not start now and learn about why calcium is so important for us throughout our lives and where to find it. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in our bodies, with 99‰ stored in our bones and teeth, functioning to keep them strong. The rest is found throughout the body in blood, muscle, and the fluid between cells.
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