Pick a Pepper

Pick a Pepper

Bring on the heat and make your dishes go from mild to wild by adding fire and flavor to your food with chile peppers. While bell peppers are sweet and mild, Habanero, the hottest, can be fiery. The heat or fire is caused by the natural chemical in peppers called capsaicin, which stimulates nerve endings in the skin.

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Berry Delicious

Berry Delicious

Fresh, colorful berries at your local supermarket or farmer’s market are a sure sign that summer is here.  Some sweet, others tart, berries are a delicious and nutritious treat and can be eaten whole, served fresh, frozen or in baked goods. Berries are available all year from a variety of sources, though most are considered summer fruits.

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Ideal Storage for Fruits and Vegetables

Ideal Storage for Fruits and Vegetables

Ever wonder why some of your fruits and vegetables don’t seem fresh or taste right so quickly after you purchase them in perfect condition? Though fruits like berries don’t have a long shelf life many last longer just by having proper storage.

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Cranberry Mango Salsa

Cranberry Mango Salsa

When I was a kid, my entire family gathered at my grandparents’ house every year for the holidays. They came from far and wide and close… they came to celebrate our pride as Americans as well as our heritage as Latinos. So today I’m going to share with you a very Latin Cranberry Mango Salsa.

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Summer Fruits

Summer Fruits
Summer is just around the corner and summer fruits are beginning to arrive in your local supermarkets, specialty markets and farmer’s markets. Experts recommend consuming 5 servings* a day of fruits and vegetables to help reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer.
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How to Eat Well With Rising Food Costs

Food is fuel for our bodies to survive, so just like your car needs fuel to go, you need to eat. It’s what you eat, however, that makes a difference. Eating well means eating fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc, which are often more expensive than packaged foods with tons of preservatives, salt, sugar, and things we can’t easily pronounce. They aren’t good for us but seem too good to pass up when we’re in a hurry to get food on the table for our families.

Historically, when food prices rise, people eat less and weigh less, but when food prices go down, many people will gain weight, which may explain the rise in obesity because food prices were so much lower from 1978 through the 1990’s. Unfortunately, the prices of junk foods are falling while the prices of complex carbohydrate foods which provide energy and help us maintain our weight are climbing.

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Benefits of a Mediterranean Diet

Benefits of a Mediterranean Diet

Diabetes is a growing problem worldwide, so researchers continue to look for lifestyle behaviors that can be changed in order to prevent or reverse this trend. More and more, experts are devoting attention to the Mediterranean diet. Since the 1960’s it has been noted that people living in the Mediterranean have had food habits which can clearly be linked to good health because they consume a variety of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, grains, and olive oil with minimal amounts of animal products.

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Summer Snacks You Can Feel Good About

Getting ready for summer vacation is an exciting time for kids who have been working hard all year and looking forward to a break. Make their time at home fun and healthy by providing delicious, nutritious snacks, especially for when you aren’t there to supervise what they are eating.
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Spring Fruits and Veggies

Spring is finally here! So are the wonderfully sweet and juicy spring fruits, such as: Apricots, Blueberries, Cantaloupe, Casaba Melon, Cherries, Currants, Figs, Nectarines, Papayas, Pineapples, Raspberries, Rhubarb, and Strawberries. Your whole family will enjoy these fruits and you’ll feel good about providing great nutrition and a delicious snack fresh, cooked, or in your favorite dish.
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